The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on personal victimisation


This pre-registered study aimed to determine whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected the prevalence, incidence and concentration of personal victimisation in Mexico, and to examine if the impact of the pandemic on victimisation was correlated with personal characteristics. The analysis used a response-level cross-sectional panel of all existing sweeps (2010-2020) of Mexico’s national household victimisation survey to model societal growth curves for robbery, fraud, assault, sexual harassment and rape, controlling for gender, age, employment, schooling and state. The findings suggest that some crimes (e.g. robbery) declined due to the pandemic, while other crimes (e.g. fraud) increased. Moreover, the magnitude and direction of the effect was moderated by personal characteristics. Lastly, the impact of the pandemic on prevalence and concentration is discussed. This is the first study rigorously examining the impact of the pandemic on (repeat) victimisation using nationally representative surveys.

Jun 21, 2022 12:00 AM — 12:00 AM
Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis Conference 2022
Patricio R Estévez-Soto
Patricio R Estévez-Soto
Lecturer in Security and Crime Science

My research is focused on crime in Latin America and the Caribbean, spanning topics such as organised crime, repeat victimisation, quantitative criminology, crime prevention, and the nexus between crime and public policy.
